
About shanxi Mingze

Shanxi Mingze Idustry&Machinery Co., Ltd specializes in Researching, Designing, manufacturing wide range of the belt conveyor accessories, covering Belt Cleaning devices, Impact Bed, Impact Bar, Multiply Skirt Rubber, Pulley Ceramic Lagging, Ceramic Lining, Roller, PU blade etc.  Our products are widely used in coalmine, Power plants, cement plants, chemical plants, coking plants, Coal washing plants, petrochemical and other industries.

We are always focus our continuous improvement on material selection, manufacture process, product testing and Q.C. to ensure  High Quality products.

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Contact shanxi Mingze
Shanxi Mingze Industry&Machinery Co., Ltd

Address: Hongan Plaza, No.84, Jinyang street, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan  China.

Contact: Mrs. zheng

Tel : (+86)0351-2591528 / 0351-2591529

Cell:   (+86)  13834143664        

Fax :(+86)0351-7568313


All rights reserved:Shanxi Mingze Industry&Machinery Co., Ltd  Address:Hongan Plaza, No.84, Jinyang street, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan China. Contact:Mrs. zheng   Tel : (+86)0351-2591528 (+86)0351-2591529